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Aaron & Nicole Koslovsky
Answer Your Questions
What do you offer for Churches / Do you offer training for Children's Ministry?With over 40 years of combined ministry experience, Arrow Family Ministries is available to help you and your chuch Minister to Kids, Their Parents, and your Children's Ministry Team. With the use of Puppets, Illustrated Sermons, Costume Characters, Science Experiments and more, We Specialize in: Single or Multi Day Kids Conferences & Crusades Morning, Evening or Weekend Vacation Bible School (VBS) Kids Ministry Team Consulting Training for Children's Ministry Explaining and Ministering the Baptism of the Holy Spirit to KIDS Children's Church Video Lessons for those attending online Marriage or Parenting Conferences Ministry Specifically Tailored to your needs or requests. Contact us with any questions or to talk about the possibilities.
I'm a parent. How do I help my kids grow in the things of God?ON PURPOSE! God gave you your kids, because He knows your potential in Him. In Psalm 139, God tells us that HE knit each of us together (on purpose) in our mother's womb. God has never made a mistake, so the fact that He gave you to your children, as much as He gave your children to you, is no surprise to Him. Growing in God doesn't happen accidentally any more than a house plant will flourish without water, sun, and the right nutrients. So START. Open up the bible with your kids. If they're young, tell them Bible stories, and Share with them the lessons you see in the story. If they're older, Let them see you spending your own time with God, and share with them the daily lessons you are learning there. Let them see you appologize, and make things right when you fail. You can find more information, lessons and tips on our Parents page.
How Can I Contact Arrow Family Ministries?Yes! We love to hear your questions, and would love to help you any way we can. Click on the "Contact" tab on the top left of our site. OR Click on "Call Us Now!" on the top right of our screen to use "What's App" and start a phone call or text conversation. OR Click the "Let's Chat!" button on the bottom right corner of our site. (We may not always be LIVE, but if not, we will get back to you shortly.) We've made it as easy as we can to reach out, and we will get back to you just as soon as possible. Thanks for asking! Have more questions? Send them our way!
Why do you allow and encourage your puppets to get saved and be baptised in the Holy Spirit? Isn't that strange?We don't believe it's strange at all! When God created Adam & Eve, the defining difference between Mankind and all the other animals is that they had the ability to speak. Adam and Eve (and all mankind) were made in God's image and likeness. They were a living, breathing, speaking Spirits, made in the image of God, just like their creator. We believe that once you give a character a voice, whether puppet, cartoon or otherwise, you superimpose a Soul upon that character, and that personality needs to be an example of what the Christian life can be (or demonstrate the consequences of not living a Spirit led life), so we let our puppets do exactly that.
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